Lars la Cour Poulsen, Postdoc

Curriculum Vitae


Lars la Cour Poulsen

Scientific focus areas

Dr. la Cour Poulsen is currently working on the principles of adipose tissue that govern human health and disease, focusing on its role in obesity. Investigations aim at describing the epigenetic mechanisms that account for the increased prevalence of metabolic disorders in obese

individuals through comprehensive sequencing on subcutaneous and

visceral fat biopsies obtained from weight-loss surgery patients. Previous research has been centered on conditions relating to obesity and me

tabolic syndrome including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammation. Specific investigations have involved the carbohydrate response element binding protein (ChREBP) and its role in the adaptive and toxic response of pancreatic β-cells to sugar, and in the study of the Notch signaling system in vascular inflammation.


2012                       PhD of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the University of Southern Denmark, Odense.

Current and former positions

2017 – Present       Postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Prof. Yvonne Böttcher, Akerhus Univesrsity Hospital, Oslo, Norway

2013 – 2017             Postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Prof. Guttorm Haraldsen, Oslo University Hospital, K.G. Jebsen Inflammation Research Centre, Oslo, Norway

2012                         Research assistant in the laboratory of Prof. Susanne Mandrup, University of Southern Denmark, Odense

Awards and grants

2018                         Received travel grant for the 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes

2009                         First prize popular science article: “Et fedt problem” at the Novo Scholarship Symposium

2008 – 2009              Scholarship recipient and Novo Science Ambassador from

the Novo Scholarship Programme in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Sciences

2000                         Received Karl Schmidt Memorial Grant at Odense Katedralskole for special achievements in physics

2000                         Selected for the final of Danish Olympics in Physics for high school students

Teaching and supervision

Supervised PhD and project students, lectured several university courses (including metabolism, biochemistry and molecular biology, transcriptional regulation of adipocytes, and introductory physics), and worked as a substitute teacher in primary school


Peer-reviewed publications

la Cour Poulsen L#, Edelmann RJ#, Krüger S, Diéguez-Hurtado R, Shah A, Stav-Noraas TE et al. Inhibition of Endothelial NOTCH1 Signaling Attenuates Inflammation by Reducing Cytokine-Mediated Histone Acetylation at Inflammatory Enhancers. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 2018;38(4):854-869 (# Equal contribution)

Stav-Noraas TE, Edelmann RJ, la Cour Poulsen L, Sundnes O, Phung D, Küchler AM et al. Endothelial IL-33 Expression Is Augmented by Adenoviral Activation of the DNA Damage Machinery. The Journal of Immunology 2017;198(8):3318-3325

Schmidt SF, Madsen JG, Frafjord KØ, la Cour Poulsen L, Salö S, Boergesen M et al. Integrative Genomics Outlines a Biphasic Glucose Response and a ChREBP-RORγ Axis Regulating Proliferation in β Cells. Cell Reports 2016; 16(9):2359-72

Siersbæk R, Rabiee A, Nielsen R, Sidoli S, Traynor S, Loft A, Poulsen

LC et al. Transcription factor cooperativity in early adipogenic hotspots and super-enhancers. Cell Reports 2014;7(5):1443-1455

la Cour Poulsen L, Siersbæk M, Mandrup S. PPARs: fatty acid sensors controlling metabolism. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2012;23(6):631-9 (Review article)

Boergesen M#, la Cour Poulsen L#, Schmidt SF, Frigerio F, Maechler P, Mandrup S. ChREBP mediates glucose repression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha expression in pancreatic beta-cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011;286(15):13214-25. (# Equal contribution)

Science communication

la Cour Poulsen. Vi har et fedt problem. (Popular science article)